Message to the international meeting of the Internationalist Communist Tendency

Dear comrades!

We salute your international assembly. Your convention is holding when capitalism is in its deepest crisis in history, and this is the main reason why they are attacking the working class’s living standard around the world. It is not the peripheral states of capitalism that are suffering, but its most economically developed and advanced countries, the metropolitan states, the working class pays the price.

You are one of the currents historically and organically rooted in the current that has defended the communist positions during the blackest period of contra-revolution. This means that expectations of you are great and reasonable, especially when the left of capital is trying to mislead the working class by claiming that, by law, the national state may reduce the damage of the crisis. No, not at all. To respond to the tasks and needs that demand the situation lays great responsibility on the internationalists and especially to you, analysing the situation and providing practical solutions and addressing a forward direction to the proletariat. We wish you our best in your convention.

Communist Greetings
Internationalist Voice
26 November 2010

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