Category: Solidarity

Massacres and wars in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Azerbaijan… Capitalism sows death! How can we stop it?

“Horror”, “massacres”, “terrorism”, “terror”, “war crimes”, “humanitarian catastrophe”, “genocide”… the words splashed across the front pages of the international press speak volumes about the scale of the barbarity in Gaza. On 7 October, Hamas killed...

Honour the memory of comrade Bernadette!

It is with the greatest sorrow that the heart of an Internationalist, comrade Bernadette, stopped, and International Communist Current has lost one of its members. Silence of an Internationalist that fought against the barbarity...

Solidarity with the Internationalist Communist Tendency

Once again, another important Communist Left organization has become the target of smear and discredit. Once again, the most determined militants of the Communist Left were accused of links with forces of the bourgeois...

Solidarity with the International Communist Current

Recently an unprincipled and adventurous group with initial “IGCL” has attacked the International Communist Current with dirty methods. These smear campaigns only benefits the political police. Internationalists, regardless of their convergence or divergence in...