Worker-communism Radical Conscience of the Left of Capital

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Content of tables

  • Introduction
  • Azarakhsh (“Lightning”)
  • Sahand: sympathizer of the Alliance for struggle for Working Class Cause
  • Current three and Alliance for struggle for Working Class Cause (Arman)
  • The 1979 Revolution in Iran from the Perspective of the UCM
  • Sahand and the Anti-Imperialist Struggle
  • The petty bourgeois Khomeini
  • Changing the name of “Sahand” to the Unity of Communist Militants
  • The Marxist-Leninist ideology of the UCM
  • The country of the Unity of Communist Militants
  • The UCM and the Iranian “communist” movement
  • The UCM and the theocratic faction of the bourgeoisie
  • The Marxist conception of social revolution
  • The democratic revolution from the perspective of the UCM
  • Retaking the democratic revolution
  • Stealing the work of others
  • The Economic Theories of the UCM
  • The Marxist concept of super-profits
  • The value of labour power and the UCM
  • Absolute ground rent and differential rent
  • The Marxist concept of capital accumulation
  • The minimum programme of the UCM
  • War and the Unity of Communist Militants
  • The era of imperialist wars and the era of communist revolutions
  • The left of capital perspective on the reasons for the formation of the imperialist war between Iran and Iraq
  • Turning workers into cannon fodder on the battlefield of war to defend the imperialist war
  • Vote for war credits
  • The bankruptcy of the UCM
  • Worker-communism and other wars
  • The Unity of Communist Militants and the coup
  • Rebuilding the Third Line under the Title of Revolutionary Marxism
  • The formation of the only communist party of the world
  • Bundism and the special rights of Komala
  • Marxism or narcissism
  • Worker-communism and Stalinism
  • Worker-communism and Maoism
  • Worker-communism and the transition state
  • Worker-communism and socialism in one country
  • Socialism or state capitalism
  • The Place of Worker-communism in History
  • Worker-communism and the Communist Left
  • Worker-communism and Trade Unions
  • Worker-communism and the National Question
  • Worker-communism and Independence for Kurdistan
  • Worker-communism and Parliamentarism
  • Worker-communism and Democracy
  • Background to the faction of worker-communism
  • What is worker-communism?
  • Worker-communism and workers’ dilemma
  • Worker-communism and the acquisition of political power
  • Worker-communism and the ideology of the personalities
  • Worker-communism and relations with foreign governments
  • The ideology of Marxism-Hekmatism
  • Worker-communism and westernism
  • Worker-communism and the Freedom Guard
  • The collapse of worker-communism
  • Worker-communism and not being on the line
  • The split in the Iranian worker-communist Party
  • Worker-communism and the acknowledgment of failure
  • The practice of worker-communism is bourgeois communist by type
  • Subsequent crises
  • Last word and conclusion
  • Basic Positions:


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