Polemic with the International Communist Current: Revolutionary Organization or the Revolutionary Publication?

Debate is vital, necessary and crucial to internationalists. The revolutionary movement cannot take effective steps unless the internationalists play a dynamic role in the development of this movement. This is only possible through the discussion and confrontation of different points of view within the proletarian political milieu.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Class consciousness
2.1 Class Consciousness Is a Product of the Working Class’ Own Struggle
2.2 Class Consciousness Would Have to Be Injected into the Working Class
2.3 Differences Between Ideology and Class Consciousness
3. Revolutionary Organizations During the Capitalism Era
3.1 During the Upward Phase of Capitalism
3.2 During the Decadence Phase of Capitalism
3.2.1 The View of Substitution Within the Working Class
3.2.2 The View of a Mass Party Within the Working Class
3.2.3 The Example of Poland and the Absence of the Revolutionary Organization
4. The Tasks for Today’s Revolutionaries
5. The Question of Factionalism
6. Organization’s view of the German and Dutch left
6.1 Organizational Retreat of the German-Dutch Left
6.2 Death of Gorter and the Disappearance of the German and Dutch Left
6.3 Rühle and the German-Dutch Left
7. The Organization’s View of the Italian Communist Left
8. The Emergence of Councilism
9. The Danger with the Question of Organization
9.1 The Danger of Substitutionsim
9.2 The Danger of Councilism
10 The Party and Its Relation to Class
11. The Revolutionary Organization’s Role and Responsibilities
11.1 During the Rise of Capitalism
11.2 In the Decadence Period of Capitalism
11.3 Historical and International Dimensions of the Revolutionary Organization
11.4 Activity of the Revolutionary Organization
11.5 Revolutionary Goals of the Organization
12. Defending the Proletarian Nature of the Revolutionary Organization
13. Consequences of the Ambiguities of the ICC Regarding Class Consciousness and the Revolutionary Organization
14. Conclusion
Basic Positions:



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